The holidays always seems to bring family and friends closer together. But why not find ways to strenghen those relationships all year long? This is why I recommend giving the gift of "quality time" to your loved ones this year, and what better way then selecting the perfect game you all can enjoy. To help you find that perfect game, I contacted Hasbro Games and asked them to share with me their top games for this years gift list. Not only did they send me a large list with a variety of types of games for all ages, but they also offered to send me some games of my own to try out for free.
I used their recommendations for a great family game and an adult game. I was sent "PICTUREKA! FLIPPER" and "THE GAME OF THINGS".

"PICTUREKA! FLIPPER" is the perfect game for a family with children of all ages (6 and up). Although my son is a little younger than the recommended age he loved it. It really challenged him and brought out the competitiveness in my husband and I. We all were able to enjoy it together and found it very entertaining. Both my son and youngest thought it humorous how the penguin would flip the cards out and squawk.
As for a game made for the adults, I highly recommend "The Game Of Things". My husband and I played this game with our neighbors and then again with my side of the family. Everyone really seemed to enjoy it. This game is a great way to break the ice and find out who people really are. This isn't really a serious game, but is guaranteed to bring lots of laughs.
If you are interested in Hasbro and the game they have to offer, you can go to their official site and look under games. Here you also can search through different types of games and what is recommended for which ages. Hasbro Games can be found at almost any store locally. If you have a particular game you are looking for, you can go to the website, select the game and the site will bring up some other sites that carry that particular game.
One person win "The Game Of Things" to enjoy with their family and friends this Christmas.
How to Enter:
Visit Hasbro Games and look around their site. Come back and tell me a game you and/or your children would enjoy.
*Extra Entries*
- What is you and/or your family's favorite game?
- Grab my Christmas Gift Guide Button below
- Grab my "Catch the Drift..." button
- Subscribe to "Catch the Drift..."
- Follow me on Twitter (Mama_Snow)
- Become a fan on Facebook
- Blog about this post or Tweet it! (Be sure to leave the link)
- Share your favorite holiday tradition!
Be sure to leave a comment telling me what the entry is for. Leave a separate comment for each entry. Also be sure to leave an email address for me to contact you. A winner will be selected randomly using Random.org. They will have 48 hours to reply or a new winner will be chosen. US ONLY!
Giveaway Ends: Dec. 7, 2009

<a href="http://hail2thesnowqueen.blogspot.com/2009/09/2009-christmas-guide.html"><img style="float:center; margin:0 0 10px 10px;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 160px; height: 140px;" src="http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh95/snowbabe81/buttons/th_snowflake2-1.jpg" border="0" alt="" /></a>
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 313 Newer› Newest»we would love boggle
we like to bake pies and cookies for the holidays
our favorite game is scrabble
The Girraffalaff Limbo looks like a lot of fun. I'm sure my kids would love it.
jenbutterfly12 at yahoo dot com
The giraffalaff limbo looks like a blast!
My favorite game is scrabble!
My kid's favorite game is connect four, but I love Scrabble.
jenbutterfly12 at yahoo dot com
My favorite holiday tradition for Thanksgiving is that we always stop people at the front door when they arrive, and have them right down what they are thankful for! When everyone has arrived, we cut out what everyone wrote, and make a paper chain, and read aloud at the dinner table!
I'm an email subscriber.
I follow you on twitter (jenbutterfly).
Tweet, Tweet.
I'm a facebook fan (jennifer garrido).
We would love to have Pictureka:)
Our favorite is yahtzee:)
I have Catch the Drift's gift guide button here http://ma21cuteboy.blogspot.com/
I have the Catch the Drift's button here http://ma21cuteboy.blogspot.com/
I subscribe to Catch the Drift via email:)
Our tradition is going to midnight mass, then go to moms house for pesole and then open presents, we stay up until about 5 or 6 and then go to bed; get up and cook dinner:)
The Littlest Pet Shop Game looks fun for my girls too! Thanks for the giveaway!
Bridgette Groschen
We all love Farkle. Even the younger ones try to participate as much as they can. Thanks!
I tweeted your giveaway:
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I like the trivial pursuit 25th anniversary edition.
My favorite game is monopoly.
I'm your facebook fan. (trungchem2002)
We'd love the game Cranium Wow! Sounds great.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
We love to play Taboo and Catch Phrase.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
I have your Christmas Gift Guide button on my blog's sidebar under "Special Events".
badgermomma at gmail dot com
I have your Catch the Drift button on my blog's sidebar.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
I'm a subscriber.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
I'm a Facebook fan as Jenine Herrell.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
Our favorite holiday tradition is baking lots and lots of cookies, then decorating them, then giving them to all of our friends and neighbors.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
I've blogged.
badgermomma at gmail dot com
My step-daughter would like the Hannah Montana Mall Madness Game. Thanks.
My favorite game is Boggle.
I have your Christmas gift guide button up on the right hand side of my blog.
We are going to try pictureka with our little monkey, she won't point to pictures in books . Also we are going to try out Candyland we watch a very young child play it on Supernanny and were suprised
We would like Scrabble and Pictureka looks cool too.
they all look like fun but especially the pictureka.
I think my son would love Scatterpillar Scramble. He already loves Candy Castle!
My husband and I love to play Trivial Pursuit. We're a mean team together!
Added your button to my blog:
Our holiday tradition is making ornaments.
I think my family would all enjoy playing Candy Land together. I think my little boy is just about old enough.
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Our family favorite game is Scrabble & Clue.
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Our family has the tradition of playing card games all night on Christmas eve.
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Clue Secrets and Spies!
I follow you on Twitter (Slim705)
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/Slim_705/status/5990220463
I think the Harry Potter Clue game would have potential in our house.
We have 6 in our household which presents a challenge since alot of family games are for 4 players. Lately we have been enjoying the Monopoly Deal card games which allow for 6 players.
I would love to win either of the games you are giving away - both sound great! I am also interested in the original Pictureka game.
Second entry: my favorite game is Balderdash. :)
Trivial Pursuit Family looks like fun.
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Family's favorite game is backgammon.
Thanks again!
Hasbro Games
I cant wait to play Candy Land with my little man!!!
Clue Secrets & Spies looks like a cool game
We love playing the original clue game
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Definitely the 25th edition of Trivial Pursuit! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
scg00387 at yahoo dot com
scg00387 at yahoo dot com
twitter follower!
Our favorite game is a card game, garbage
scg00387 at yahoo dot com
scg00387 at yahoo dot com
our favorite tradition is to open stockings first!
I would like cranium!
My favorite holiday tradition is making dozens of pizzelles... yummy! The perfect Christmas cookie!
My family loves to play scrabble. I love the one with the rotating table!
My family loves to play scrabble together, we have since I've been little. Godesseablu@msn.com
I subscribe by email Godesseablu@msn.com
I am a facebook fan, Amy Gangloff, Godesseablu@msn.com
My favorite holiday tradition is having the inside of the turkey with my family and sharing it for lunch as we all help cook, Godesseablu@msn.com
I would pick guesstures
My favorite game is Scrabble
I subscribe via email
tweeted :)
i'm pretty sure my kiddos would love giraffalaff limbo
i am a facebook fan
On behalf of my kids, Spongebob Squarepants Sorry game
My son really wants Monopoly City
We have Elefun on our Christmas list actually. I grew up with Hasbor. Thanks the great review!
lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com
we would love the pictueka! how fun!!!
jpkittie 315 at hotmail dot com
Right now my kids love playing Spongebob Operation.
lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on twitter!
lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com
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lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com
lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com
My favorite Holiday tradition is putting up the tree the day after Thanksgiving. :D
lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com
We would love to get the game Cranium. We played it for the first time with all the aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents last year and it was such a fun game!
Our favorite games, other than card games, is scattergories.
We always decorate the tree together either on Thanksgiving evening or the day after. And have Christmas music and hot chocolate when we are doing it. :)
I subscribed via e-mail.
I blogged about this give away:
I would love to get a new version of Monopoly.
Our favorite game right now is scrabble!
My son would love Candy Land!
we would love pictureka flipper
My daughter would love the CandyLand Castle game:)
A family favorite of ours is Jenga. Such a fun game!
One of our favorite holiday traditions is to unwrap one gift on Christmas Eve:)
I checked out the Hasbro site and saw the RACKO Card Game. I played that game as a kid and would love to buy it.
bwalker1123 at gmail dot com
email subscriber
My boys like to play Battleship and Checkers.
A family tradition is to have grilled steak tacos at my Aunt's house on Christmas Eve.
I just love Hasbro games, I love Monopoly but I think the game of things sounds cool.
JACS2002 at aol.com
We would like Giraffe Limbo
We would enjoy Sorry.
The family favorite would have to be candy land.
I am a FB fan!
My favorite tradition is celebrating St Nick with my family on Dec 5th!
I think my family would enjoy cranium.
I have your button on my blog.
I have your holiday button on my blog.
Our favorite game right now is Candyland Castle... mostly because my oldest boy is 3.
Our favorite holiday tradition is going to AZ for Christmas each year. So no snow, but sun and fun!
Clue- Secrets & Spies would be fun family game
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
Our favorite family game to play is Monopoly
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
facebook fan
karen medlin
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
We'd love Cranium Wow.
We would play Cranium WOW and Scrabble
I subscribe via email
Im a facebook fan
My favorite holiday tradition is baking/decorating cookies
with the kids.
Would love Pictureka to play with the boys.
Would love to have Clue! I had it when I was a kid and really liked it.
current fave games: Uno and Monopoly!
**Daily Tweet**
Monopoly City looks like it would be really fun!
Thanks for the great giveaway.
shawna at couponladyonline dot com
My favorite game is Mad Gab. I play that every chance I get!
shawna at couponladyonline dot com
I'm a twitter follower
shawna at couponladyonline dot com
My favorite holiday tradition is putting out all the nativity scenes (inside and outside) after Thanksgiving. I love taking time to set up each one!
shawna at couponladyonline dot com
I tweeted here:
shawna at couponladyonline dot com
tweeted :)
Would love to try Trivial Pursuit Family edition!
We would love to try the clue secrets and spies.
Our favorite family game is candy land
Trivial Pursuit is the best!
candy land is the best game! lots of fun for all ages!
Our family would enjoy Cranium - Wow
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
Our favorite game is Scrabble.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I follow on Twitter as talonsmom731
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I became a Facebook fan (Danetta Young)
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I blogged: http://goyay.blogspot.com/2009/11/hasbro-game-of-things-giveaway.html
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
My favorite holiday tradition is every year we go as a family and buy one new ornament to put on the Christmas tree. We have been doing this ever since me and my husband got married and had our first Christmas together.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
My son really wants Connect 4x4 this year for Christmas.
jmommy2005-blogs at yahoo dot com
I'd go for guesstures
We would like Boggle!
we love scrabble
Hmmm...we NEED a new Monopoly game (you know...little parts go missing), but we would love PicturEureka!
hybroanglid at aol dot comce
Our favorite is probably Bop-It! It's addictive!
hybroanglid at aol dot com
Family games play an important part of my family's holiday traditions. After the big meal on Thanksgiving, christmas, etc., we always play a board game together. Our favorites are the classics: Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble or Monopoly. It's a great way to share some laughs during the holiday and make spending time together even more fun!
hybroanglid at aol dot com
The Twister Hopscotch looks like a FUN game!!
mattles22 at yahoo dot com
We like Yahtzee at our house.
mattles22 at yahoo dot com
I have your Catch The Drift button on my Rants, Raves, and Pet Peeves blog
I follow on twitter: Gosfam
I am a fan on facebook: mattles22 at yahoo dot com
My fav tradition is new PJs on Christmas Eve.
tweeted :)
The Game of Things looks like it would be incredible fun!
michaelandrebekah @ gmail.com
I don't think we have one favorite game. We love everything from Dutch Blitz to Chutes and Ladders to Scrabble to Acquire to Balderdash . . .
Our newest addition to the game closet is To Bethlehem, a board game where the goal is to be the first to see baby Jesus - but you just might have to sing a few Christmas carols, sit on someone's lap, wear your socks on your hand, or call your grandma before you get there. Everyone in our family has enjoyed it! :)
michaelandrebekah @ gmail.com
hbolduc5209 at gmail dot com
Giraffalaff Limbo sounds like fun!
My daughter is little so Candyland is it right now!
My favorite holiday tradition with my daughter is baking Jesus a birthday cake!
we would love to try guesstures!
our favorite family tradition is making christmas cookies and each little one decorating them!
We would love the Candyland game
jakellcth@msn. com
- What is you and/or your family's favorite game?
we love to play the original PICTUREKA we recieved last year..we also love kids scrabble
jakellcth@msn. com
"Catch the Drift..." button
e-mail for access
jakellcth@msn. com
I Subscribe to "Catch the Drift..."
jakellcth@msn. com
Follow on Twitter (cthmommy)
jakellcth@msn. com
Facebook Fan
jakellcth@msn. com
another favorite holiday tradition..is playing bingo at thanksgiving
jakellcth@msn .com
We would love to have picktureka
sudchica at yahoo dot com
I think my daughter would love the giraffe limbo game. Cool giveaway!
my alltime faveorite game is Monolopy ( im a bad speller)
I have your catch a drift button
I have your gift guide button
i am a fb fan
lynn matthews
i follow you on twitter as LynnAnnMatthews
my faveorite holiday tradition is burning yummy scented candles
I tweeted
LynnAnnMatthews Game Giveaway! http://hail2thesnowqueen.bl...
less than 5 seconds ago from web
I think my family would love guesstures.
Our favorite game is yatzee.
My favorite holiday tradition is baking holiday cookies.
I think we would enjoy playing AXIS & ALLIES - EUROPE, plus we can learn while playing.
We love playing yahtzee
One tradition is that we visit the Disney Santa. He is so great!
love connect4
we love candyland
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