Halloween is nearly here and do I have great giveaways in store for you. Even though this review/giveaway is being hosted before my "Halloween-a-palooza" event (Oct. 6 - Oct. 18), It is one I couldn't pass up. I love halloween. My favorite part has to be the costumes. I just love being creative and dressing up.
While searching for that perfect halloween costume you will want to stop by Anytime Costumes. At Anytime Costumes you will find thousands of costumes and costume accessories to choose from. You won't have walk around for hours trying to find what you want because everything is right at your finger tips. Everything is catagorized by themes and sizes, you can find several costumes you love within a matter of minutes. They even have a page that features "couples costumes", "group ideas" and even "pet costumes". What make Anytime Costumes different from most halloween stores is that they are available throughout the whole year. They can provide you with the costume you want and when you want it. They also do same day shipping for order made before 2pm EST (Monday-Friday).

Anytime Costumes sent my son the "Child Batman with Molded Chest". The costume arrived fast and in perfect condition. This is one of the best batman costumes I have seen. I especially like the molded chest. My son thinks he is so strong in his Batman costume with all it's muscles. I personally think he is absolutely adorable in it. What makes this a great costume for my toddler is that the mask is very breathable and easy to see through. The mask is also attached to the cape, which allows the child to remove the mask without misplacing it.
One winner will receive any Infant, Toddler, Child or Teen costume they like.
To Enter:
Visit Anytime Costumes and tell me a costume you would like to have. (This is a MUST)
*Extra Entries*
- Share a scary or funny halloween story that happened to you.
- Grab the "Halloween-a-palooza" event button.
- Grab my button
- Subscribe to "Catch the Drift..."
- Follow me on Twitter (Mama_Snow)
- Become a fan on Facebook
- Blog about this post or Tweet it! (Be sure to leave the link)
Be sure to leave a comment telling me what the entry is for. Leave a separate comment for each entry. Also be sure to leave an email address for me to contact you. A winner will be selected randomly using Random.org. They will have 48 hours to reply or a new winner will be chosen. US ONLY!
Giveaway Ends: October 12, 2009

<a href="http://hail2thesnowqueen.blogspot.com/2009/09/2009-halloween-palooza.html"><img style="float:center; margin:0 0 10px 10px;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 150px; height: 220px;" src="http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh95/snowbabe81/buttons/image002-1.gif?t=1252897954" border="0" alt="" /></a>
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 372 Newer› Newest»My son NEEDS! the toddler Bamm-Bamm costume!! And I know my daughter would love the Hannah Montana!!
Twitter follower!!
the jenie and the punk cheer leader is what my girls want
i am a fan
my favorite halloween experience was when i was little me and my nieces and nephew would dress up and go trick or treating together and then come home and make scary house for the little ones it was soo fun
I love the Toddler Witch Magical. amsbolda@hotmail.com
follow on twitter. 1amypugmire. amsbolda@hotmail.com
I want the lion costume for my baby and the dorothy costume for my daughter.
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I LOVE the Infant Deluxe Lil' Teddy Bear Costume!
I subscribe!
First let me say I am inspired by you and everything your involved in; would have expected nothing less though from you of coarse. So my entire family enjoys dressing up for Halloween and we would make awesome pirates!! We would like Adult Pirate Captain Swashbuckler size 12,Adult Captain Jack Sparrow Deluxe size 36,Child Pirate Girl - Ruby the Beauty size medium,Toddler High Seas Buccaneer Pirate, size large. Thank you for your consideration matey! Happy Haunting! Heidi Meng McBirde
love the Infant Winnie The Pooh - Tigger
My most memorable Halloween experience was when I was 9 and it was Friday the 13th. My aunt took my cousin and I to a haunted house that their neighbors were doing. My cousin and I got really scared and started running. We were holding my aunts hand and pulled her. We all fell down some stairs and she broke her arm. OOPS! I will never forget that.
I would like the Teen Captain Jack Sparrow Deluxe costume. Thanks.
The Elizabeth Pirate delux costume is Rockin. It'd by fun for the boys and I to go all out this year as pirates. Argh
I have the Halloween-a-palooza button up on the right hand side of my blog.
I love the toddler Witch costume for my daughter. =)
lilymaree at yahoo dot com
I grabbed the Halloween button.
Follow you on Twitter.
I blogged about the giveaway.
I would like to have the Teen Skull Fairy..
I'm quite fond of it, not completely sure as to why, but I am.
I would like to have the Teen Skull Fairy..
I'm quite fond of it, not completely sure as to why, but I am.
I love the Little Red Riding Hood costume for my toddler. She would look adorable.
Twitter follower!
Eh, I dunno of this is funny, per say.. But last year, I was extremely excited about going trick-or-treeting, then I found out that I'd have to take my godson. -- No big deal. But then I also found out that I'd have to take 4 of my little cousins as well, needless to say; I didn't get to trick-or-treet. I ended up walking the kids around and babysitting.
i follow you on twitter.
My son is totally into space and the planets so he would probably like the Astronaut costume!
ljatwood at gmail dot com
i have your main button.
follow on twitter (ljatwood)
ljatwood at gmail dot com
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ljatwood at gmail dot com
ljatwood at gmail dot com
My son would flip over the Clone Wars Leader Rex Deluxe costume! Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com
Last year my husband took the kids trick-or-treating and I stayed home to give the candy. When they reached the next street, Jamie rang the doorbell, the guy opens the door and Jamie goes "trick-or-treat.....wow your house is messy!" I'm glad I wasn't there, my husband was so embarassed.
I added the Halloween button on the left under special events.
I'm a subscriber: ann dot guns at mac dot com
I follow you on twitter (gunzie73)
LOVE the Mario Brothers one!
follow you on twitter - kgail11
I would love the Child Transformers Bumblebee Deluxe for my little boy. He is a Transformers nut! Thanks for the chance!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I now follow you on Twitter (naughtynad).
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I like the Child Barbie Princess Rosella
I love the Adult 50S Poodle Dress Fuchsia I've always wanted to be a 50's gal!
Have your Halloween button at http://www.themomreviews.com
subscribe via Bloglines.
Twitter fan (@themomjen)
I'd like to have the Plus DiscoLicious.
I subscribe via email.
I remember when I was little and my mom took my sister and I trick or treating. A woman dressed up as a witch opened the door and handed each child a big red delicious apple.
Facebook fan (TheMom Jen)
Hi, They have a large assortment of costumes for all ages! The Teen
Batgirl would be great for our daughter. Many thanks, Cindi
One year my friend and I left two or three pumpkin head scarecrows at a family's home that we knew very well.
We had one hanging from the tree that they would see as they went down their driveway. One laying by their front door and the other near the garage! A few days after that,
my friend and I received a very funny
poem called "Halloweenie" in the mail. It was done in a kind of scary
script. Thanks, Cindi
Email subscriber!
Thanks, Cindi
I follow you on Twitter!
Many thanks.....Cindi
Also, I am a fan of your Facebook Page!
Thanks, Cindi
Thanks, Cindi
I would choose a Child Astronaut costume (though it was a very hard choice -- I wanted to choose several others too).
I like this one Teen Emerald Witch
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My funny Halloween story is that i dressed my brother up for Halloween one year as a girl...and he looked just like me! lol And he won first place in costume contest!
My son would love the Darth Vader costume.
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My daughter has been asking for butterfly wings so that's what I'd get.
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i have your button on my blog at www.socialjusticemom.blogspot.com
I looove the infant deluxe Lil'Bunny :)
I remember my parents having Halloween parties when we were younger, and they're be "bob for apples", hay bale rides down our road where our cousins would be dressed up scary and jump out, and my parents always dressed up. :)
My son woul dlove the deluxe pirates costume!
tuesdayef at aol dot com
I follow on twitter: tuesdaygirl
I have your button: www.parentingourkids.com
I would die for the Toddler Peeps!
I follow you on Twitter.
I coulda' sworn I already entered this giveaway but I don't see my posts anywhere...so...I would love the Toddler Wildcat costume (Sz. 2-4), OR the Child Barbie-Anneliese Deluxe, in fact, this one is my very favorite, for my five year old granddaughter. She's such a Barbie-hound, LOL
I'm a Facebook Fan of yours (Maggie Mannwieler)
I follow you on Twitter as "Smokeysmom" and Tweeted this fun giveaway: http://twitter.com/smokeysmom/status/4008906183
My funniest Halloween ever was way back when I was around 26 years old and we were living in Central OR. I made my own "hobo" costume, including makeup and the five o'clock shave stubble, you could not recognize me at all. I even had an old stogie-the whole bit. Anyway, while escorting the little kids around town trick-or-treating, someone yelled out: "Hey! You bum, leave those kids alone or I'm gonna call the Police". He thought I was a homeless person following the kids around! Now that was a great costume! LOL
I follow you on Google Friend Connect as "maggie"
I have to have the Scooby Doo costume for my nephew...he wants to dress up like Scooby Doo so bad!!
A funny Halloween story was last year it was my daughters first year trick-or-treating and she didn't get the whole idea...so when her cousin would knock on the door and get candy she would just stare and wonder what was going on. You might have had to be there ;)
I have your Halloween-a-palooza button on my blog http://www.thefoggsblog.blogspot.com
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I follow you on Twitter @triciafogg
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I tweeted http://twitter.com/TriciaFogg/status/4015104324
Ohh! I want to win. I love Halloween. I am that house on the street with lights etc. My son Thomas was 3 months last year for Halloween and he was of course a pumpkin. I was so excited I was going to take my son trick or treating!!! I come home from work and find a 3 month old with 102 temp. That canceled all halloween plans. This year we are totally making it up!
Pick me!
I think that the Teen Skull Face is really cute and great for my little stepsister! The Tween Alice is adorable too,she could pick;)
I am a subscriber
I love the child penguin costume.
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
I subscribe
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
I have the halloween a palooza button
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
The scariest Halloween event I have ever attended was at a Haunted theater. This was a couple of years ago and the actors were putting it on. I was 38 and screaming because they were so realistic. There was a little girl that was supposed to be dead and would just sit there and stare at you. That was freaky.
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
We have like 7 different choices for costumes-literally changes every day! I am voting for the cute toddler penguin!
I tweeted!
My daughter would like to be the chef.
I went to a Haunted House in High school and one of my friends literally peed her pants. Poor girl!
I love the Child Skeleton Zombie!
My scariest Halloween memory was when I was a child. There was a local haunted house being put on. I walked through the door and was terrified the whole time. I've never gone into another haunted house since!
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/amweeks/status/4059255751
i love the toddler monkey plush. will look very cute on my grandson!
polly keintz
Child Enchanting Princess but it is out of stock, I also adore the Queen of Hearts and the Child Blissful Bride
I would absolutely get my daughter the Teen Skeleton Sweatshirt. She'd wear that year round, lol!
I follow you on Twitter (as MrsBsConfession)
I am a fan on Facebook (as Kris Bradley
Twittered about the giveaway here:
My favorite is the teen zombie costume.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
also a subscriber
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
follow on Twitter as LuckyDuckyToo
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I'd like to have the Teen Pirate Ruby costume.
FB fan J. Lalley
I would love to have the Buzz Lightyear costume for my son!
Very cute! i think we'd go for the toddler Superman for our son since our daughter has a SuperGirl costume. They'd be so cute this halloween!
Forgot to leave my email - kristinemjones at hotmail dot com
but this one is to say, i'm now a fan on facebook!
Halloween story - When I was little my mom dressed me up as a smurf - totally blue face and all. Well, it rained and I had blue running down my face. I think I was like 5 or 6 and was freaking out about it.
Liz would like the Child Barbie Princess Rosella.
My son would love to be the Headless Horseman!
A funny Halloween story: I had to wear a mask that was too big, so it was decided that we would safety pin it tight so it wouldn't move. Well, I felt a sneeze coming on, and let's just say, snot does not feel so good all over your face.
Child Headless Horseman Costume
i want the puppy
I would love to get the Teen Captain Jack Sparrow Deluxe for my son, if I won. Thanks so much.
So many cute ones to choose from but my nephew would love the Spiderman Deluxe costume.
I'd love to win the Child Japanese Princess costume for my God-daughter.
I would love to get Professor McGongall's hat!
ajcmeyer at go dot com
One Halloween, I went to Six Flags with one of my friends for Fright Fest. We went into the haunted house, and in the mirror room, we couldn't find our way out, turning around a few times. After a zombie character jumped out to scare us, we had to ask him for directions, which was kind of an awkward thing to do. LoL.
Child Dress Up Set For Boys (3 In 1) in a fantastic idea!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I would like to win the children's headless horseman costume.
I love the infant lion costume for my daughter
I'd love the Infant Sugar Plum Fairy!
Having grown up in Anoka,MN (Halloween Capital of the World), I have a lot of Halloween memories. One in particular was when we had a blizzard and kids actually skated from house to house to Trick or Treat ;)
Re-Tweeted giveaway:
I would love to have the Toddler UPS Guy costume for my little boy!
I like the toddler size magical witch.
I would like to have the Toddler Sesame Street: Elmo Deluxe. My little guy loves "MoMO!"
I like the infant lady bug costume
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
My granddaughter wants the Child Vampire Countess Of Darkness .
I follow on twitter Tx_Sweetie
I would LOVE to put my sun in the adorable deluxe lil lion outfit!! Too precious!
I blogged about it
I really like the Teen Faces Skull costume. Thanks.
All my 3yo daughter keeps saying is that she wants to be a witch. The Toddler Magical Witch costume would be perfect!
When I was 6 and TnT with my 9yo older brother we were using paper bags for our candy. Mine ripped and spilled all of my candy on the ground. A big scary boy came over and asked us what the matter was and we told him. He was kind enough to give me his bag and all of his candy too! Aweseome Halloween experience.
That toddler UPS guy costume cracked me up! I'd get it for my best friend's little guy and laugh and laugh the whole time.
My little guy is really into the X men now, so I'd have to say the Wolverine costume is the one I'd pick.
I would love the Child Batman Dark Knight Muscle Chest for my son.
I would pick the Child Little Red Riding Hood Deluxe as my granddaughter would look so cute :)
I remember years ago we went to a Spook House and at one of the displays was real and he grabbed my arm!! I about fell over :)
Barbie Princess Rosella
sunela at gmail dot com
My daughter would love the Child Angel Girl costume!
kelli at pfrog dot net
I would choose the Infant Sugar Plum Fairy.
bakcyardiagans toddler uniqua
I have your button on my buzz blog.
i follow you on tiwtter
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I tweeted AT you
Re-Tweet: http://twitter.com/smokeysmom/status/4348632651
I'd love to get the Werewolf costume for my son, he LOVES that one!
Follow on Twitter-jellibeenz1978
FB fan- Kristy H
My story is- When I was about 13, I had a Halloween sleepover. We were telling scary stories, and heard a noise at the window! We looked out and there was someone in a Hockey mask, like Jason at the window! WE freaked out screaming, and went to bed, lol!
Later, I found out that my mom had my uncle drive over to scare us, and he definetly did, lol!!
I would pick the Teen Tokyo Pop Princess for my daughter, she loves it! Thanks!
The teen skull fairy is freakishly cool! Thanks for the chance.
I would get the Transformer Bumblebee costume for my son. Thanks!
I'm following on twitter under the name OutletBabe
I love the Hot Dog costume. I would love to see my son in it.
tutucuteforme (at) hotmail (dot) com
would have to be a Tinkerbell for my grand daughter
copperllama at yahoo dot com
I subscribe via email
copperllama at yahoo dot com
The Itsy Bitsy Spider costume would be really cute on my son.
Funny/ridiculous...I trick or treated until I was 14. Absolutely the lamest thing ever, my 6'6" husband trick or treated until he was 17...
I love the Child Travelocity Roaming Gnome. I'm going to show my son this afternoon when he gets home. He is a funny kid and might go for it.
tutucuteforme (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would love to get the Toddler Itsy Bitsy Spider for my son.
I love the infant green frog.
My son would love the toddler cowboy costume.
schola.athenarum at gmail dot com
My favorite Halloween was experience was when we moved on Oct 31. We got to go trick or treating at both our old and our new neighborhoods.
schola.athenarum at gmail dot com
I'd love to have the Adult Elizabeth Pirate Deluxe
My toddler would love the batman Costume!
I'd love to get the child astronaut costume for my son.
I follow you on twitter, lunaj1456
I am a fan on facebook (Anne Jolly)
I tweeted:
I like the Teen Emerald Witch for my daughter.
I am a fan on Facebook.
One year we set up our garage as a cat sounding den. We had several tape recorders going with screeching cat sounds and left the door cracked. It was hilarious watching the children peek under the door and run screaming.
My youngest is going as Super Girl so it would have to be the Wonder Woman so my oldest could also have a cape.
My favorite Halloween was a few years ago when I dressed as a pirate. It was fun and playful. Plus it was the day my Husband decided he should ask out that whimiscal lady in the department over from his.
Your Button is on my blog!
I need the Toy Story Woody costume for my little boy!
I like the Teen Skull Fairy.
I would love to get my daughter the child's Uhura costume.
Re-Tweeted giveaway: http://twitter.com/smokeysmom/status/4450213317
My daughter would love the Child Barbie Mariposa one. She has to wear WINGS every year!
Your button is up on my site also! I'm getting excited about Halloween now with all this fun stuff!
This little bird is following you on Twitter! hehe..
I'm now a facebook fan of yours! ;)
I subscribed by email!
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