I am so excited to share with you that I, Mama Snow, will be attending the IZEAfest 2009! I have heard so many wonderful things about this conference and of the opportunities it will bring. IZEAfest will provide me with tips and information on marketing, increasing traffic, building a brand and more. I am thrilled to have the privilege to learn from the best bloggers around.
Each day their will be time to meet and greet other bloggers and companies. With that being said, I want to be able to share with these people some of the best companies I have worked with. This is where I need you.
I am looking for full or partial sponsorship for this amazing conference. I understand attending this event may cost more then you are able to pay for yourself alone. Through your sponsorship I am providing a way for you to receive exposure through my attendance at IZEAfest and beyond.
Below is a list of benefits I can provide for your sponsorship:
- A free 125 x 125 ad spot on my sidebar from now to October 2010.
- I will wear any pin or T-shirt you send me to promote your company. (As long as it is appropriate of course ;0)
- I will hand out any samples, business cards, swag bags, etc. that you send me.
- Sponsors will be mentioned and linked in every post about IZEAfest 2009.
- I can create any button or banner applicable to your business. Furthermore, I will include the button/banner on my flier advertising my side business (creating banners and buttons).
Additionally, If you have other desires or demands, I am willing to work with you on an individual basis.
Please contact me regarding sponsorship and your expectations. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to working with your organization.
Mama Snow
Hail2theSnowQueen at Gmail dot com
I can't wait to meet everyone at IzeaFest, I know it will be great!
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