This is a wonderful site where you will find all of your hair accessories. The list of what is available is endless as you will find pony holders, headbands, hats and so much more. CoverYourHair.com realizes their accessories makes great gifts. For this reason they offer gift wrapping and gift receipts. Be sure you select "Gift Wrap" when you purchase and it will add the addition fee and get your package ready to be sent as a gift. Included on the side bar buttons is a "Clearance" section. Here you will find great discounts on several if the items.
I was so excited when CoverYourHair.com asked me to review their products. I was sent the "Silver Flower Pre Tied Headband" and a "Cable Winter Pull on Chaponne with Visor". When it comes to headbands I seem to always have a problem with them falling off. Another problem is they sometimes seem to be too tight or uncomfortable. The headband I was sent was the opposite of this. It was very comfortable and stayed in place. Another feature I liked about the headband was how you can adjust the width. You can easily fold the head band to create a simple thinner band or you can spread the fabric out which will give the headband more of a bandanna look. I like how I have those options available. As for the Chappone w/visor. This is perfect for this coming fall/winter. It will not only keep your head warm but looking fashionable.
CoverYouHair.com is very easy to navigate and find what your are looking for. Everything is catogorized on the left side bar. For those of you who are interested in following CoverYourHair.com, you can click on the "Social Center" which can be found by clicking on the 'peel
away' at the right corner of every page.
One winner will receive a $30 box of surprise hair accessories.
To Enter:
You MUST visit CoverYourHair.com and then come back and comment on what you would like to add to your own personal hair accessories.
*Extra Entries*
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- Blog about this post or Tweet it! (Be sure to leave the link)
Be sure to leave a comment telling me what the entry is for. Leave a separate comment for each entry. Also be sure to leave an email address for me to contact you. A winner will be selected randomly using Random.org. They will have 48 hours to reply or a new winner will be chosen. US ONLY!
Giveaway Ends: Sept. 22, 2009
I like the Lime n White Stripe Pre Tied Bandana - perfect for restraining my hair in the kitchen while still maintaining a sense of fashion. asthenight at gmail dot com
I would love to add the brown pull on hat with flower to my accessories. Thanks for the great giveaway!
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I follow you on twitter (gunzie73)
I became a fan of Cover Your Hair on Facebook. asthenight at gmail dot com
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I'm already subscribed to Catch The Drift via email. asthenight at gmail dot com
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Tweet! http://twitter.com/AsTheNight/status/3842062175 asthenight at gmail dot com
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i like this hat :)
I like: Colorful Stone Hair Clip, Quality Flower Beret With Lining,
Winter Elegant Crochet Beret, Black Glossy Patent Leather Look Hard HairBand, Five Star Hair Band, and Beaded Hard Hairbands!
Email subscriber@
I would love to win an Israeli Tichel and a Snood and also a leopard bandana
Im a subscriber!
I love the cute woven caps - in any color!
Lovin' the "Cute Pull on Hat" in brown!
Fan of Cover Your Hair on FB Alicia Crego
My gf likes the Pastel Suede Pre Tied Headband With Tails.
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Following you on twitter arolen
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Fan of Catch the Drift on FB Alicia Crego
I would love to add a Black snood or yellow beret to my collection of hair accessories!
kkondek at gmail.com
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I'd like an Israeli Tichel.
I subscribe via email.
I really love the soft pull-on hat with the flower on it...so cute! Thanks for the giveaway!!
I adore the Peacock Eye thin headband.... birdson@roadrunner.com
Im an email subscriber birdson@roadrunner.com
I LOVE the brown Feather Lite Crochet Beret!
I looove the Chaponnes
I'd love a pre-tied headband in any variety... they have SO many!
I'd love to have the white/white cotton Lycra pre-tied headband.
I like the Black Glossy Patent Leather Look Hard HairBand
I really like the Soft Classy Winter Hat. Thanks for the contest!
I'd love the Beaded Hard Headband in Brown!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
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spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
I love the white elegant Beret.
I like the Elegant flower hair clips!
I'm Cover your Hairs Google Friend!
feather headband in purple!
I love the Studded Stoned Pony Holders. They glam up any pony tail.
I would like the Green Paisley Hard Headband!
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Follow coveryourhair on twitter
I really like the Summer Flower Pre-tied headband. One thing I don't like about this company is that they have products that use feathers. Yuck!
I like the Cute Beaded - Stoned Applique Headband. Thanks.
I subscribe
I'd love the Silver Flower Pre Tied Headband.
YiddishBitterRose at gmail dot com
I would like to add these - Cotton Candy Wide Pre Tied Headband &
Pastel Suede Pre Tied Headband With Tails.
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Barbara Montag
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Barbara Montag
love the colorfull stone hair clip
I like the Pink and Black Striped Pre Tied Bandanna
I like the Five Star Hair Band, and the Beaded Hard Hairbands. I love how they have a large variety of styles and colors!
I would get a whole box full of the Israeli tichels. My friend is a married orthodox Jew and she loves to find exciting covers for her hair so I would definitely gift it to her!
I am a facebook fan
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I like the Spring Flowers Pre Tied Headband With Long Tails in blue.
Pink Crochet Winter Pull On Chaponne
Michigan Addy Ready
I really like the purple suede pretied headband with tail!
smchester at gmail dot com
I am following CoverYourHair on Twitter (ptowngirl).
smchester at gmail dot com
I am following you on Twitter (ptowngirl).
smchester at gmail dot com
I love the Feather Lite Crochet Berets.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I looked everywhere so I could join the Google Friend Connect on Cover Your Hair but couldn't find it. I guess it's hidden pretty well.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I like the Cotton Candy pre-tied headband.
i want the fire glow feather clip!
I like the Soft Classy Winter Hat in soft pink. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com
Hard decision! I would definitely get pony holders and clips, as I have very long hair and have to put it up at work. Other than that, I love the Colorful Stone Hair Clip.
slcremer at gmail dot com
I Joined "Cover Your Hair's" Google Friend Connect - Sherylinn
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Wow! What a clever idea! I'm short on time right now, but I bookmarked to revisit because I am always looking for something to put on my head when I cook/back that is easy, comfortable and looks good! Since I've been on infusions for my RA, I've been having hair loss. I don't have any bald patches, but I lose so much hair and I am embarrassed when it shows up in my food! Hats and other products are hard for me w/my deformed hands. This looks so cool!
I liked the Pastel Suede Pre Tied Headband With Tails. This is a nice site with many cute products!
i love love love the
Black Crown Velvet Headband With Rhinestones
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i tweeted http://twitter.com/agodlyhomemaker/status/4071359470
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I would pick the Solid Black Cotton Lycra Pre Tied Bandana
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I blogged it http://dixonhomestead.com/rachel/?page_id=73
I tweeted - http://twitter.com/ACityOnAHill/status/4071827212
i like the Bandana in Black Paisley. thanks!
i am a facebook fan of cover your hair
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i tweeted! http://twitter.com/sadiekate08/status/4071950853
I like the beige pull on hat with flower
I like the Soft Pull On Hat! So cute! I live in a really cold place so that will come in handy in the winter:)
now a google connect reader with cover your hair: liis177 (at) gmail (dot) com
cover your hair fan on facebook: melissa valmonte
following cover your hair on twitter: @styleezta
button on my blog: http://styleezta.blogspot.com
"Catch the Drift..." subscriber: liis177 (at) gmail (dot) com
follow mama_snow on twitter: @styleezta
fan on facebook: melissa valmonte
tweet: http://twitter.com/styleezta/status/4083146920
I love all of Feather Hard Headbands designs.
Love the Soft Pull On Hats and the Ribbon Hard Hairband.
Cover Your Hair FB fan (Cindy Brooks)
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I like the Ivory Wool Beret.
I really like the Corduroy Buckle Hat and the Paper Boy Cap. I'd love to have either one.
Love the Silver Striped Barette and the Cotton Candy Wide Pre Tied Headband!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
I like the Heart Flower Applique Pre Tied Bandana the most.
I subscribe.
I like the Comb Hair Hairbands -- styles like that hold my hair back easily :)
thefatesarevicious at yahoo dot com
I have my hair in dreadlocks, so covering my hair is sometimes necessary. I love the green peacock handmade headband. Thanks for the contest! codisweepstakes2 (at) gmail.com
I love the blue beaded pony tail holder, it's very pretty!
Gold Streaked Wide Headband - would love to add
I have just a hard time keep anything in my hair - so I would love to try this.
At CoverYourHair, I like the Cherry Tie Dye Tie Back.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
I love the Pink Feather Highlights headband.
I'd add the tie back bandana for using under my helmet while I'm scooting on my Vespa. Helmet hair is baaaad!
I like the Black Glossy Patent Leather Look Hard HairBand. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I like the Soft Pull On Hat in grey
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Oooo pretty.
i woudl want the 'cute woven cap' in black!
Congratulations, megan stiller
You are now following "Catch the Drift" with Mama Snow
i like the Lycra Long Snood.
I love the Turquiose Feather Pattern Pre Tied Bandana!
I like the Cotton Candy Wide Pre Tied Headband in blue & pink!
stormraven at gmail dot com
I'd love to add the Cotton Candy Headband. It's cute and versatile!
I LOVE the Cute Pull ON Hat!!!! So cute. Thanks so much!
I would like to add the Paper Boy Cap. garrettsambo@aol.com
I like the Suede Pre Tied Headband With Tails (soft pink)
the wine pull on hat is cute
cyh facebook fan
tony l smoaks
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I also love the Feather Bar Clips. They are uniquely different from what I already use.
I like the
Funky Cotton Tie Back.
Follow Cover Your Hair on Twitter as kngmckellar
i like the bandana, and the brown hat
I'd like the Cotton Paisley Tie Backs
Beads and Stone Pre Tied Bandana con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
i am a headband girl and i love the Cotton Candy Wide Pre Tied Headband
i'm fan of Cover Your Hair on Facebook
I love the israeli tichels
mchakir2008 at hotmail.com
im Follow Cover Your Hair on Twitter my user name is purplelover04
i'm Following you on Twitter
Become a fan on Facebook my name is erica best
i tweeted this giveaway http://twitter.com/purplelover04/status/4175178722
I love bandanas-so I would pick the Cool Designs in Tie Dye.
I love the tye dye tie backs a lot!
coveryourhair twitter follower soluckyducky
I love the Elegant Flower Hair Clip!
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I became your Facebook fan.
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