Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Utah Followers only FREE Sunglasses!

Text "URBAN" (use all caps) to this number 83043 and they will text you back with a text coupon for FREE sunglasses.
Locations to retrieve your glasses are at
Urban Blue in
SLC 219 E. 3300 S
Draper 278 E. 12300 S.
Only while supplies last!


Laura S. said...

Hi! I've been really enjoying your blog for a short while-shortly before your redesign (I subscribe!).

I don't know if it's just me, but I am having a really hard time reading the red font on the blue background. The black is a little easier on my eyes. And they're not THAT OLD!!

Anyway, just wanted to pass that along in case other readers give you similar feedback, and you might want to change it...

Laura S.