Thursday, February 26, 2009

Maybe FREE High School Musical DVD after MIR!

So for all you moms who have HS Muisical fans in your home, here is a incredible deal. How does FREE sound to you?
Supposedly HSM 3 is being sold for $10 at walmart right now. It may be an offer only at certain states? I cannot locate my add so ? Either way you could save $10 which would cut the price in half.

Here is a $5 off coupon
Here is a $5 off Dvd and $10 off Blue-ray coupon from Disney. Expires 3/31

Now Here will give you a mail-in rebate when you buy the dvd, 1 Sara Lee bread product and 1 Hillshire Farms lunchmeat. (can be purchased separately, so watch for a deal and submit by 4/30/09)