Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What should the Easter Bunny get for my significant other???

Time is running out and many of you may be wondering what to do for your significant other this Easter. Last year I shared this fun little game I put together, but wanted to remind those who forgot or who never got the chance to see it. Everything is pretty much ready for you to print. There are just a few items you will need to get.

This is for the bedroom so you may want the Easter Bunny to present this in the evening when the kids have gone to bed ;0)

This is a romantic game of Truth or Dare. Not only is it fun, but will hopefully allow you and your significant other make some time for the two of you after the little ones go to bed. This is defiantly a game you will want to play behind your bedroom doors so know that some of the truth and dares may be a little... You know. (However, it is fun and not offensive). I am pretty conservative. Some of you may even want to add your own truth or dares.

All you need is :
A Basket
Easter Eggs (to place the Truth or Dare messages in)

If you choose to use my "Truth or Dares" you will need the following:
Body Paint or Chocolate Syrup
Candy Handcuffs (these can be found at most novelty stores)

How to Play:
It is easy. Each person takes turns opening an egg. Each egg has a Truth or Dare, which your partner will have to complete.

Download the game here!


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Anonymous said... 2

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Web Hosting Bangalore said... 4

Super ideas. We do it once a month as a fun day event. Thanks for your suggestion. Every one at home loves playing this.