Monday, May 24, 2010

The Adventure of Daniel Boom aka Loud Boy Book #4: Grow Up! REVIEW and GIVEAWAY! CLOSED

Of course we are all excited for summer and the break we will have from school and homework. However, this does not mean we should allow our children to slack on their reading. This is why we need to help them find books that they can enjoy and will want to pick to see what happens next. This series I am about to introduce to you is one of those books.

"The Adventure of Daniel Boom aka Loud Boy is a series filled with storylines that are bursting with superheroes, belly laughs and action packed adventure and is critically acclaimed by numerous education and library trade publications. Author D.J. Steinberg’s writing is smart and funny with puns a-plenty and the kid-friendly graphic novel format is ideal for middle graders and reluctant readers."

The Adventure of Daniel Boom aka Loud Boy Book #4: Grow Up! Introduction:
Loud boy and his friends are in trouble again. This is the adventure to end all adventures, as cheif bad guy doctor doctor comes out of hiding to put an end to his young nemeses once and for all.

Although my son is only five years old, I knew this would be a book he enjoyed. My son loves superheroes and I felt he would enjoy the fact that the heroes were children like himself. I was very excited to get the latest book of the series "The Adventure of Daniel Boom aka Loud Boy book #4: Grow Up!.

Of course "mother knows best" and my son has loved this book. I was very happy to see that it was written with a comic strip feel (My son really enjoys reading these types of books). Both my son and I found it funny how Daniel Boom and his friends use their bad habits and/or behavior to save the world. It shows that you can take those weaknesses and turn them around to do something good for yourself and others. The book is very creative and entertaining. There is also some suspense which kept my son guessing what would happen next. After reading book #4 my son is excited to go back and have me read books 1-3 to him. I already planned on making this purchase since this will be a great book for my son to go back and read himself once he gets older.

Buy It:
You can purchase The Adventure of Daniel Book aka Loud Boy book #4: Grow Up and other series on Amazon.

One winner will receive a summer reading package for their child. This includes the complete Adventures of Daniel Boom aka Loud Boy series (4 books!), a Daniel Boom water bottle, a mini flashlight for reading under the covers J and funky nose coat – ‘cuz just because their nose will be stuck in a book doesn’t mean it needs to get burned!

To Enter:
You must visit the authors site Come back to this post and tell me something you learned about the author or his books that you found interesting.

Extra Entries:
- Grab my "Catch the Drift..." button
- Subscribe to "Catch the Drift..."
- Follow me on Twitter (Mama_Snow)
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- Blog about this post or Tweet it! (Be sure to leave the link)
- Tell me a book you or your child look forward to reading this summer.

Be sure to leave a comment telling me what the entry is for. Leave a separate comment for each entry. Also be sure to leave an email address for me to contact you. A winner will be selected randomly using They will have 48 hours to reply or a new winner will be chosen. US and CANADA ONLY!

Giveaway Ends: June 8, 2010

This product was donated for the purpose of a review. Even though I was given this product free, my review is my sons and my own honest opinion. We truly found it a WONDERFUL series!


one frugal lady said... 1

The Author, David, has a great sense of humor! His occupation lists "IMMATURE CHILDREN’S AUTHOR & HIGHLY MATURE ANIMATION EXEC" haha!

Terra Heck said... 2

I learned that David, the author, is the head of studio for Starz Animation Toronto. Thanks.

Isaac and Dallas said... 3

My son Bennett would totally love these books. He is all into superheros. I love that David used a young boy as a superhero in his books. It makes so the kids can relate to them.

Denise S. said... 4

I leanred that the author is the head of studio for Starz Animation Toronto.

Coolestmommy said... 5

David was raised in Chicago, but currently lives in Toronto.

coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

Coolestmommy said... 9

This summer, I'm excited that my 12yo is going to read a Wrinkle in Time. One of my favorites at his age.

Erin S. said... 11

I found it interesting that David the author played a part in more than 15 well known movies such as Meet the Robinsons, Mulan, Hercules...

erin.sidmore@gmail dot com

Erin S. said... 13

I follow you on Twitter.

erin.sidmore@gmail dot com

Erin S. said... 14

Fan of Catch the Drift on Facebook.

erin.sidmore@gmail dot com

Cakeblast said... 15

David Steinberg worked on An American Tale, which was my favorite cartoon as a child!

Erin S. said... 18

Tweeted about giveaway:

erin.sidmore@gmail dot com

Erin S. said... 19

I look forward to reading the "Olivia" series to my daughter as her name is Olivia :)

erin.sidmore@gmail dot com

Mozi Esme said... 22

I learned the author has a very cool mustache (at night...) :)

We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:

janemaritz at yahoo dot com

Linda Kish said... 23

He is the studio head of Starz animation in Toronto.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Alexia said... 24

It was interesting to read that David had a part in getting "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" to the big screen...that's one of my boys' favorite movies!

Aleksija at ymail dot com

Jenn S. said... 25

I learned that David, the author ,spent 25 years as an executive producer and artist on more than 15 major feature animated movies.

tree said... 27

i learned that the author practices live storytelling and was raised in Chicago.

My son would love these, thanks for the chance!!


tree said... 28

i'm subscribed to your RSS via Google reader!


tree said... 29



tree said... 30

Right now i'm reading Charlie and the chocolate factory to my kids, we just finished James and the Giant peach. i plant to read them Harry potter this summer. :)


Emily Robison said... 31

I learned that the Author, David, worked on the art in films such as Meet the Robinsons, Mulan, Hercules and many more.

Emily Robison said... 34

I look forward to re-reading the Harry Potter series this summer!

Emily Robison said... 35


Cassiopeia said... 37


I now follow you on Twitter.



Anonymous said... 38

I'm looking to re-reading Nicholas Sparks' the Wedding.
ropp dot 5 at wright dot edu

Anonymous said... 39

He's from Toronto.
ropp dot 5 at wright dot edu

Katie R. said... 42

I learned that the author was raised in Chicago.

idahomom said... 44

My son has to read Spud over the summer. It looks like a good book.

Ellie Wright said... 48

These books sound great for kids. My little grandson would love them. I learned that the authors age is "lost track" LOL
eswright18 at

Heathermgc said... 53

I learned that the David was a producer and artist for many major animated movies.

Pamcakes said... 54

I love that the Author was a part in so many fun movies, like An American Tail. Love that movie!

Anonymous said... 55

He is from Chicago, not far from where I live!

Melissa B. said... 56

I'm interested in The Bunny Ball and The Beach Ball. They look really cute.

Heather B said... 57

The author has three boys Daniel Micah and Noah. this so looks like a book my 9 year old would LOVE

Renee G said... 58

I thought it was interesting that several of his books have been in rhyme.

Bakersdozen said... 60

Another book on the site that I think would be fun to read to my kids is "Caveman Manners". vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Michelle B said... 62

I learned that he was raised in Chicago and attended northwestern
university before he headed west

Michelle B said... 64

My daughter will be reading harry potter books this summer
and my son loves superheros so proberly spiderman books

Tracey said... 65

I learned that David's books have sold over 400,000 copies.

Unknown said... 66

Charlie and the chocolate factory is our favorite

Unknown said... 67

David was inspired to write childrens books after spending a lot of time with them at home

Steph said... 70

I learned he currently lives in Toronto, ON, and his favorite Anti-Hero is Old Fogey.

susansmoaks said... 71

david's books have sold over 400,000 copies
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Viva said... 74

The author, David, was executive producer and artist for the movie The Land before Time, among many others. Thanks.

Viva said... 75

My kids will be reading the Harry Potter books this summer. Contact info on blog. Thanks!