This last year my family and I took several long road trips. Although the vacations alone were fantastic, the drive did not go as smooth. It is very hard entertaining two little ones. Even the shortest drive can lead to a major headache when my two children are in the backseat. This is why I am constantly on the look out for toys, books or activities that are easy to travel with.
Let me introduce to you "Bucky The Buckle Toy". This is a soft plush turtle which keeps your child entertained with it's interactive features. "Bucky" includes fun buckles, colors and shapes.
"Bucky The Buckle Toy's" makers say, "Playing with the child-friendly buckles and zipper improves hand-eye coordination and promotes small motor skills. The toy also has a variety of shapes and colors to enhance learning".
This is a great toy for children under the age of 4, especially for children who enjoy taking things apart and putting them back together again. Both my daughter and son have always been entertained by zippers and buckles. I have to say though, Bucky the Buckle Toy beats any shopping cart buckle, which has been known to keep my children's attention. My daughter has really enjoyed this adorable turtle. It is great for entertaining children on the road and off. Don't forget to take Bucky along with you to doctor appointments and shopping trips.
Buy It:
You can purchase Bucky The Buckle Toy for $19.99 at www.buckletoy.com. Here you can also learn more about this toy and other Buckle Toys.
One winner will win a Bucky Turtle toy.
You must visit www.buckletoy.com. Check out some interesting facts about the creators, their products or some of their other unique gifts. Come back and leave a comment telling me something that caught your attention.
Extra Entries:
- Grab my "Catch the Drift..." button
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- Follow me on Twitter (Mama_Snow)
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- Blog about this post or Tweet it! (Be sure to leave the link)
-Tell me about one of your "must haves" when traveling. (This can be a child's favorite toy, book, etc.)
Be sure to leave a comment telling me what the entry is for. Leave a separate comment for each entry. Also be sure to leave an email address for me to contact you. A winner will be selected randomly using Random.org. They will have 48 hours to reply or a new winner will be chosen. US ONLY!
Giveaway Ends: February 4, 2010
I learned that After months and months of prototypes, we finally finished the first version of our Buckle Toy product line. I made sure that each design has an educational purpose because a growing toddler is constantly learning. amypugmire@live.com
I have your button. amypugmire@live.com
I subscribe to you. amypugmire@live.com
fb fan. amy bolda pugmire.amypugmire@live.com
I can't travel without my daughters blanket she got when she was a year old. she is so attatched. amypugmire@live.com
I love that this was created by a mom and made not to pinch little fingers!
My daughter has to have her travel aqua doodle!
I learned that it Does NOT pinch little fingers like normal sized buckles do. Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
Fb fan! Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
Fav must have when traveling-a binky, sippy cup and books! :) Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
Ok... So I was looking at this sight and wondering... "Do we really want our toddler to know how to do the buckles?" Well, I guess I will find out if I win. I do like how they saw a need when their son loved bckles and did something about it. Way to go! Thanks for the giveaway!
I like that this toy meets international health and safety standards.
I subscribe to your blog.
oops, I forgot to leave my e-mail address. it's lanewindham1 at a o l dot com
Bella is cute but I could really use the purse key finder
vickers at comcast dot net
email subscriber
vickers at comcast dot net
My daughter must have her blanket to sleep in the car.
developed by a mother for her young son
follow on twitter ID is shopannies
my princess has a lil blankie she carries around with her
tweeted http://twitter.com/shopannies/status/8038310598
I learned it is only available online for purchase and that it is patent-pending. Thanks.
I like that the buckles are made to be non-pinching.
I am glad that the woman thought to produce toys with buckles on them because she knew they would catch the attention of other children as well!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
Must haves for long car rides: treats for the dogs!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I LOVE that this Mommy saw a need for her son to learn to buckle.
Love that this is a non pinching...my daughter would love this. trishbazin@yahoo.com
Does NOT pinch little fingers like normal sized buckles do!
i get email updates
must have a throw up bucket my 10 yrold gets car sick even on short rides poor kid hates to drive :(
I love the Bella Buckle Buddie.
I subscribe.
Aside from Bucky, I also liked the Bella buckle toy. jlyonne@uno.edu
I'm subscribed.
So cute!! I love that it is machine washable!
Became a facebook fan!
Our favorite must have for traveling is my daughter's Tag Junior by Leapfrog. She can't get enough of it! It is educational, has tons of her favorite characters and can keep her entertained for quite some time. A perfect toy for traveling.
her son loved to play with buckles so she wanted a toy with buckles she could put in her diaper bag. I think Bella is very cute
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
The Turtle Toy was created by a mom named Jill Gomez for her son who was 12 months old at the time b/c he was fascinated with buckles. Thanks for the chance!
Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23@yahoo.com
I'm an email subscriber.
Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23@yahoo.com
I'm a facebook fan.
Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23@yahoo.com
My kids each have (2) must have toys in the car. My daughter has a Cabbage Patch Doll named "Amy" who goes EVERYWHERE. My son has a very loud rattle that he'll shake until he can't hold his arm up any more. They both have these matching "canteens" that are personalized with their names in different colors. If we have these items when we leave the house, then all is good.
Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23@yahoo.com
Their beautiful family portrait with Gavin caught my attention. What a neat toy!
bethanyg153 at gmail dot com
email subscriber
bethanyg153 at gmail dot com
All materials are lead free, hypoallergenic, non-flammable and there is no choking hazard
copperllama at yahoo dot com
follow on twitter
copperllama at yahoo dot com
facebook fan
copperllama at yahoo dot com
a must have is the DVD player
copperllama at yahoo dot com
Wow, says it won't pinch the kids' fingers!
hlitrenta at gmail dot com
Must have SNACKS anytime we go anywhere....my toddler NEVER stops eating!
hlitrenta at gmail dot com
I like the Bella buckle Buddy
Im a facebook fan
I always have to have paper and drawing utensils for the heathens
It is good for up to 4 yrs ole until they master it. That is great.
Jill Gomez originally created this toy for my son Gavin. When he was about 12 months old he was fascinated with the buckles on his stroller and high chair - just like my little boy!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
my son would love bucky
Jill makes sure that each design has an educational purpose because a growing toddler is constantly learning.
When we travel we have to take Holt's pillow and his blanket.
This product is specially designed not to pinch little fingers!
I learned that it Does not pinch little fingers like normal sized buckles do.
We must have my son's nuk. He always gets it in the car and bed.
I see that this toy is patent-pending!
I follow on twitter! (amweeks)
I'm a facebook fan! (Annmarie dipasqua Weeks)
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/amweeks/status/8467619127
Coloring books & crayons were always a "must have" when we traveled!
They stand by their product 100% and are willing to do whatever it takes to make their customers happy.
This cauht my eye -they are quick release buckles so they do not pinch and are easy to undo. The buckles are much smaller than regular sized buckles so it is easier for little fingers to have more control.
Love it as my little one loves it when he finds a buckle - he loves trying to buckle things but has gotten his fingers pinched. great review. 2ndchancephoenix at gmail
I follow you on twitter (dkad23).
Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23@yahoo.com (aka)
Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23@yahoo.com (aka)
I like that this does NOT pinch little fingers like normal sized buckles do.
email subscriber
My oldest son takes his PSP game on all trips.
I love the fact that this is a toy and a learning tool all in one. My son has ASD and one of his quirks are clips. This would be a fun way to ease the quirk while working on his fine motor skills and colors.
One of our must haves are Thomas, Annie, and Claribel trains. My son doesn't go anywhere without them.
I really love the Purse Hangers. This would really be great for my little cousin lezanac@yahoo.com
email subscriber lezanac@yahoo.com
I like the Bella Buckle Buddy that is coming out soon
ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a fan on Facebook...
I learned that this was created by a mom.
I love that Bucky has quick release buckles so they don't pinch and are easy to undo! tylerpants(at)gmail.com
We can't travel without my son's pacifiers. *sigh* Hopefully we'll get rid of them this summer! tylerpants(at)gmail.com
The key finder would be handy. Thanks for the chance!!
I learned that the Bella heart toy will be coming soon (and looks adorable!)
My must-have item when leaving the house/traveling is lots of snacks, like Gerber puffs. My baby girl LOVES to eat.
I like that this toy meets international health and safety standards. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
My son Samuel will be three in May, He is fascinated with putting things in the right place. He will soooo love this and he adores turtles too! What a briallant idea!! Thanks So Much!
We have worked with one of the top toy designers to come out with some different versions of The Buckle Toy. Wow, Im sure my toddler would love this :)
I learned that all of the buckles used on The Buckle Toy are specifically designed for little fingers. They are quick release buckles so they do not pinch and are easy to undo.
I learned that it was originally created by a mom for her son. He was fascinated with the buckles on his stroller and high chair. She made him the Buckle toy and contacted a toy company with her idea and now Bucky is Patent-Pending!
I put your button at www.talesofasweeper.com
I am a Moma Snow twitter follower. ellieb67
I am a facebook fan. Ellie Brower
I twittered at http://twitter.com/ellieb67/status/8609553253
My must haves are some good dvds and drawing or puzzle books.
These buckles are easier and safer for toddlers, because all of the buckles used on The Buckle Toy are specifically designed for little fingers. They are quick release buckles so they do not pinch and are easy to undo.
I try not to travel without my daughter's favorite music, either on cd or my phone
My son, who is autistic lacks fine motor skills and I think this would be useful to him to strengthen those muscles.
I learned that the buckles are designed so they won't pinch a child's fingers.
I see that Buckle Buddies will be available in April 2010. My daughter would love Bella!
One "must haves" when we travel is my daughter's favorite pink blanket!
I like the Bella buckle Buddy
I'm following you on Twitter (I'm @ThriftyJinxy).
I love that this was created by a mom and made not to pinch little fingers! Also my daughter does not go anywhere without her ragdoll abby.
I love that it was made by a mom for toddlers. My son loves buckles right now but I'm always afraid he is going to pinch his fingers. I would love to win this for him!
Following Mamasnow on twitter
I'm a fan on facebook
Tracy P
My must haves when traveling are my sons snack cup, sippy cup, and his favorite thomas the train book.
i also love the Purse Key Finder this could really come in handy :)
I thought it was interesting that the buckles are much smaller than regular sized buckles so it is easier for little fingers to have more control.
One of my "must haves" when traveling is snacks.
I saw the "Bella" doll and like that too
I love the Turtle. My son is all about buckles. They also sell purse hooks, which I love!
They also have a Bella Buckle Buddy :)
What a great idea! I like that the buckles are all different, and it's cool that they have a patent pending on the toy.
Twitter follower soluckyducky
I learned that there are two new buckle buddies coming out in April - Buster and Bella.
I subscribed by email.
Right now my daughter's favorite travel companion is plush dog she got for Christmas.
I like how they are specially designed NOT to pinch little fingers!
I like that this is a toy a mom made for her son because she found a gap in the offerings out there in the world. She took it upon herself to make one herself.....and made sure it was safe and educational and something a child will actually interact with. PLUS this is a small business.
All of these traits are a POSITIVE in my book. What a GREAT giveaway...thanks for the chance!
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