I think I have one of the largest collections of children's books. I am constanly adding to our collection and recently I added two new books. These books are from the series of "Adventure of Meno". Here is a little more on this series and the authors.
"This six-book series about Meno, a nostalgically modern space-elf and his out-of-this-world adventures. Adventure of Meno was created by award winning author/illustrator Tony DiTerlizzi and his wife Angela. Each story is told with bright illustrations in nonsensical language, as if it were translated from Meno's Alien language into English. As childlike as they are sweet, these stories find humor in the simplest places, and are a delight to readers both young and old.
I am in love with the pictures in the Adventure of Meno series. Meno and his friends are adorable charactors. As for the story itself, my children really enjoy it. They both think Meno is a very funny. They laugh at his all of his friends and their silly names. Their favorite book is Book Two, "Wet Friend". They love all the different creatures and friends introduced in this book are so funny.
I also want to recommend that you and your child check out the official Meno site WWW.PLANETMENO.COM for more info on Meno and interactive activities.
Buy It:
You can purchase your own copies of Adventure Of Meno for $9.99 each at Borders.com
Upcoming Releases:
Two more books in the series "UH-OH SICK!" AND "YUMMY TRIP!" are set to be released on April 6, 2010.
One lucky winner will win both of the "Adventure Of Meno" books (BIG FUN and WET FRIEND) as well as your choice of a custom made Meno or Wishi blanket.

To Enter:
(You MUST) Visit WWW.PLANETMENO.COM and explore the site. Come back and leave a comment telling me what you like about the books or what you learned about the authors.
Extra Entries:
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- Leave a comment on any one of the other participating reviews. You can find their links at The Classy Closet Mega Review post HERE!
Be sure to leave a comment telling me what the entry is for. Leave a separate comment for each entry. Also be sure to leave an email address for me to contact you. A winner will be selected randomly using Random.org. They will have 48 hours to reply or a new winner will be chosen. US ONLY!
Giveaway Ends: February 1, 2010
This was a Mega Review held by The Classy Closet review panel
I learned that the authors get alot of inspiration from their 2 yr old daughter. Great giveaway.
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Sarah Coulsey
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I love that they are aliens, but not scary!
I like that the pictures in the books are not crowded with all sorts of detail. Like you just have a pix of the charcter and what he is doing to illistrate...not a bunch of extra stuff crowding the page. extra stuff overwhelms toddlers and other children with learning disabilites
I am a classey closet member
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The authors get inspiration from their 2-year-old.
I subscribe via google reader
I found out that the authors like silly words, made up words, and get inspiration from them. Oh, and they also get inspiration from their sweet 2 year old.
I {Hailey} am a member of the Classy Closet.
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The authors like vintage cereal boxes!
I like Yamagoo, the spacey fish creature. lanewindham1 at a o l dot com
i subscribe to your blog via e-mail
I learned that the authors found inspiration in Little Golden books and vintage cereal boxes. Thanks.
The authors get a lot of the creativity from their 2 year old daughter,and a lot of inspiration from the older Golden Book and fisher price toys
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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Karen Medlin
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karenmed409 at comcast dot net
2 year olds can be so fun. I think it is neat that they took the fun they have eith thier daughter and made them into stories. Cute books.
I like that the background of each book stays the same color. Well at least it seemed that way from the preview
wozniakbb at yahoo.com
they were/are inspired by their 2-year old
rmaslow a@t yahoo d.ot com
I learned that the authors have a 2 year old daughter who gives them inspiration.
I follow you on Twitter as @picpocketbooks
I love the characters, they are so cute!
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the authors have a two year old daughter. I love the characters Wishi is so cute
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I learned that the author's inspiration for 'Adventure of Meno' were Little Golden Books, old Fisher-Price toys, & vintage cereal boxes. Thanks for the chance!
Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23@yahoo.com
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Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23@yahoo.com (aka)
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Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23@yahoo.com
Loved the authors and their inspiration from nostalgic toys and cereal boxes. LOL!!! Beyond that, I loved their 2yo inspiration (daughter). Sweet people!!!
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
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coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
I like that they are from space but cute and not scary for the little ones
Im a twitter follower
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I really like the retro looking illustrations
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I love how adorable-y simple the books are written. My son would love 'em! tylerpants{at}gmail.com
I learned that authors made up words such as Yamagoo.
I loved the downloadable coloring pages they have on the site.
They have a two year old daughter and love things like Golden Books and old Fisher Price toys.
I follow on Twitter-ksh123
I found out that the authors like silly words.
I love the fun illustrations, so whimsical!
I learned that Meno has a goldfish lezanac@yahoo.com
already a member of the Classy Closet lezanac@yahoo.com
I like the retro look of the books - cute :)
ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the details of the books. - krystal (kryssi01@msn.com)
I added you button - Krystal (kryssi01@msn.com)
I subscribed! - Krystal (kryssi01@msn.com)
I blogged! http://kryssiruss.blogspot.com/2010/02/book-giveaway.html - Krystal (kryssi01@msn.com)
I learned that you can download pages to color.
His first chapter book, Kenny & the Dragon debuted as a New York Times Best Seller
classy closet member kathy pease
Tony and Angela found their inspiration in Little Golden Books
Member of the Classy Closet
Follow on Twitter-rosannepm
I love the way the books are illustrated.
I like how Meno has a jellyfish for a best friend.
I became a member of The Classy Closet under the name lilyk.
I subscribed to your blog.
That authors made up words such as Yamagoo.
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