With school being just around the corner, I am excited to introduce to you "SnackTAXI reusable bags". Although my oldest is only in pre-school, we go through hundreds of sandwich/Ziploc bags a year. Whether its for a long wait at the doctors office, snacks for soccer/t-ball games or even for a short/long car ride, I am always having to pack snacks. I cannot leave the house without a bag of snacks. Being a mom also means I will have plenty to carry around with me so I need to pack as light as possible, which is where the plastic bags come in.
Erin Kelly-Dill, owner of SnackTAXI, started noticing how many Ziploc bags were being used in her own home each year. She estimated that she made over 500 lunches a year for her 3 children. This is what motivated her to find something less wasteful and just as convenient. In 2003 SnackTAXI reusable bags were created.

I LOVE my SnackTAXI bags. It feels good to not go through so many plastic bags and saves me money. These reusable bags are very easy to use and best of all, you can throw them into the wash when they need to be cleaned. Each bag is made from 100% cotton and is lined with a waterproof material that consists of nylon with a polyurethane coating. All of the fabrics used at SnackTAXI have been tested and are free of heavy metals and phthalates. Using SnackTAXI's products helps me feel I am really contributing to our planets health. My children especially love the fun designs on their bags.
The Giveaway:
One winner will win their very own set of SnackTAXI reusable bags!
To Enter:
Visit "SnackTAXI" and look around. Come back and tell me your favorite design!
*Extra Entries*
-Tell me where you plan on using your SnackTaxi
-Tell me how you are contributing to the planets health
-Grab my button
-Subscribe to "Catch the Drift..."
-Follow me on Twitter
-Blog about this post or Tweet it! (Be sure to leave the link)
Be sure to leave a comment telling me what the entry is for. Leave a separate comment for each entry. Also be sure to leave an email address for me to contact you. A winner will be selected randomly using Random.org. They will have 48 hours to reply or a new winner will be chosen. US and Canada!
Giveaway Ends: Aug 20, 2009
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 239 Newer› Newest»I like the bright citrus pattern.
I'll use them for the snacks we carry when we're on the go.
We use cloth napkins, rags, and grocery bags.
I like the apples design.
I plan on using this in my diaper bag on outings.
We recycle and compost and conserve water.
I love this idea! I like the disco dots snack sak.
I have your button on my blog at www.socialjusticemom.blogspot.com
I plan on using this in my daughter's lunch box - - sent her to camp today with a plastic bag in there.
I help the planet by using glass bottles for our milk - - it's an old fashioned idea that really works since they're resusable.
I love the Night Owls Expresso.
I'd plan on using my SnackTAXI on our playdates for my little guy instead of trying to stuff the snacks in my super tiny diaper bag.
I've got your button on my blog.
I like waterspot flame and ring and the rosie.
I plan to use it on our outtings with the kids.
I love, love, love my reusable bags. I don't leave the house without at least two of them.
LOVE the Bubble Blast design!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
I'm a subscriber!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
I love the bubble blast pattern!! These are so neat!! Thanks for letting us know how we can be more "green"! :)
I like the Cool Picks snack-sack and Water Spot blue snack-sack.
I'll use my SnackTAXI whenever we go out on the canoe and stuff.
we use re-usable grocery bags, recycle, use energy-friendly light bulbs, and conserve water use.
button on sidebar.
i follow you on twitter.
ID : jerricapuck
The Frog Chow sandwich sack pattern is very cute!
E-mail: rebecca DOT reich AT gmail DOT com
I will use my sandwich bag to bring my lunch to work or lend it to my husband for his lunch.
E-mail: rebecca DOT reich AT gmail DOT com
I like the owls on blue sandwich-sack
I subscribe
I like the apple-sandwich snack.
I plan on taking this to work with me - filled with lots of goodies.
I use cloth bags at the supermarket.
I subscribe via email.
I like the sushi one!
I plan on using them in my kids lunches.
We only use cloth napkins and towels, no paper here. :)
I love the first numbers design.
I'd use it to bring the sandwiches and snacks for the little ones, or maybe I'll use them to carry apple slices or chips myself.
We're contributing to the environmental cause by cutting down on our A/C use. we've only used the A/C 2 times this summer!
I subscribe
I love the tiny skulls pattern. Too cute!!
I subscribe to your blog
I follow you on twitter clueless_mama
I like the Frog Chow design.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I'll use them for kids lunches!!
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I plan on using my snackTAXI when we go to the park, zoo or anywhere else
I use cloth napkins, recycle, take my own bags to the grocery store, and bike instead of drive whenever possible.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
This year I planted my first garden and started recycling
I like the birds of Norway. Thanks!
I'd use them when I take my lunch to work.
I use coffee tumblers and reusable water bottles.
My favorite design is the bright citrus.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
I would use my bag camping and at work.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
I contribute to the planets health by composting, organic gardening, and recycling everything!
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
the apples design
I love the Night Owl ones, I am going through so many bags here too! GREAT product!
I would keep them in the diaper bag stocked with cheerios and other snacks for my 11 month old! Planning on buying a few extras too!
I like the road signs.
My granddaughter will love the ta dot red
In granddaughter's lunchbox
I try and recycle what I can.
I follow you on Twitter. Dove420
I love Frog Chow sandwich sack pattern
I will use for my short trips to stores
I educate who family esp. DH about how to think about getting green everyday. and certain things like to put empty milk or any cartons/jugs in recycle bin should be part of daily life.
already tweeter follower
I love the citrus pattern!
I'll use it in my diaperbag for on the go snacks
I like the Apples design
I love the "tea party" design. How cute!!
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
I would use my bag to carry and hide snacks for my drawer at work!
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
I like the Bubble Blast design.
I like the jungle jumble designs.
I'd use them for my toddler's snacks during road trips. I use about 3-4 plastic baggies for each one, so these are great!
I like the citrus pattern
I follow you on Twitter
LOVE THEM! I make an entire reusable bag line, these are brilliant!
I like the "cool pics" design best.
I like the first village sandwich-sack pattern.
I follow your blog.
blast off is a cute pattern that would be a hit with my son - he's starting kindergarten this year, and it's the first year he'll be taking lunch!
I like the bright Citrus pattern. Thanks for the chance.
I like the bubble blast design
i'll use it on shopping trips
i'll use it on shopping trips
I use a reuseable water bottle
My favorite design is Grass Menagerie in blue!
I plan on using my SnackTAXI mostly in the diaper bag. I will fill it up with snacks for my child!
I follow you on Twitter (MommyTriedIt)
I contribute to the planet's health by using cloth diapers!
I like the grass menagerie multi sandwich sack
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
The night owls are too cute!
I would use them for bringing foods to work. I normally use one plastic bag a week for my cereal in the morning - it'd be good to cut that out entirely.
Probably the biggest way I have cut back on my personal destruction of the earth is by joining a Community Shared Agriculture (CSA). My veggies are delivered from a local farm - so I know my corn isn't shipped in from the midwest and my peaches from Georgia. The veggies are good too!
My list goes on and on. I recycle, reuse, and reduce every day. We have installed motion sensors in rooms, hot water heater timer, hang out clothes, open windows, insulating,put in wood stove. My list never ends. Just turned an old pop-up camper into a chicken house, using wood from tearing down an old house trailer. would love to win. Please enter me, thank you
This would bring me one step closer to being green. I already use reusable grocery and produce bags. My favorite design is the tiny skulls.
My favorite design are any of the "owls" patterns... my oldest loves owls, so she would love any of these!
I'd use these in my girls' school lunches. My oldest used to sometimes buy lunch at school... but pretty much all last scholl year she wanted to pack her lunch. My youngest has NEVER bought school lunch! I shudder to think about how many plastic bags I've gone through!
I've started taking tote bags to the grocery store instead of using plastic bags. And I've also started using a filtered water pitcher instead of buying bottled water!
I like the disco dots snack sak - too cute!
thanks for sponsoring this.
I love the owls on blue. It makes me smile.
I'll be using the SnackTaxi for lunches. We use a lot of plastic ziploc containers, but this looks like it will be a lot easier to clean!
We use reusable grocery bags at the grocery store instead of getting bags there. You can fit a lot more into the cloth bags, too, so there are fewer bags to tote around!!
I just subscribed to your google feed!
The Mod Swirls design is so cute!
I like the apples sandwich sacks, great for all the car trips we take!
We would use ours on trips to the zoo and childrens museum! We always pack a lunch.
I have tried to use half as many paper towels in our house and have been using rags for cleaning up meses and the kids!
Good for the plant and my pocketbook!
Love the apples.
My favorite is the "disco dots" design.
I plan to use SnackTaxi in my son's lunch box.
We use cloth grocery bags and recycle.
What a great idea! I love the fact that they're machine washable. That's so much better even than little cartons that go in the dishwasher. They always flip and fill with water.
While I love all of the things I see on the site, I especially like the snack-sacks in the water spot fabrics.
I like the apples sandwich-sack!!
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite design is the "Sushi"
I'd love to use SnackTAXI in my son's school lunch.
My favorite design is Feline Divas. Thanks.
I follow you on Twitter, partymix25
I have to kids in school, I think they would enjoy these alot. Especially my daughter! We liked the Night Owl Espresso...beautiful!
Thanks for the chance to win!
My family started recycling about a year ago. We now have more recycling than trash each week. We already reuse baggies as much as possible, so these would be great!
thanks again, for the chance to win!
I like the tea party theme.
I plan to use these for my daughter's snack's when we go shopping.
I love all those fabrics, but I think the apples is my favorite.
I'd use this at work - our baby's still too little for non-milk snacks!
We use cloth diapers, cloth shopping bags, and cloth kitchen rags (instead of paper towels).
I'm subscribed!
I like the Russian Floral pattern.
I plan to use mine for my daughter for lunch at school.
I love the tiny skulls sandwich-sack.
My daughter will use this at school.
I always use my own bags and recycle.
Thanks for offering this contest. Hope we win.
this would be great. we use a lot of baggies in our house.
Cha Ching Queen
My daughters would love using the
bubble blast sandwich bags
tiny skulls in black
I love the disco dots pattern!
I'll be sending the SnackTAXI to school with my kids!
the apple sandwich bag would be my favorite.mavans@scottsboro.org
We reuse everything from toilet paper rolls to old clothing to make fabulous crafts!
Love the mod swirls snack-sack design! So cute.
I use reusable bags when grocery shopping.
{sorry just read we had to put seperate comments..}
I use reusable bags when grocery shopping.
I am also a subscriber to your blog!
I'm now following you on Twitter (@NutHouseShannon)
I like the grass menagerie blue sandwich-sack
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
I like the grass menagerie blue sandwich-sack the most although it was a pretty tough decision to pick a favorite!
I plan on using my snack taxi everywhere, from the park, to the zoo, at friends houses, basically wherever I go!
I am contributing to the planet's health by recycling...and I don't have a recycling truck so I have to load it all up in my car and take it to the center!
I also have 1 reusable sandwich container and I wish I had more :-)
I have your button up on my blog!
I am subscribed to Catch the Drift via email feed :-)
I also follow you on twitter :-)
I also follow you on twitter :-)
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I like the Bots and rockets snack sac.
I subscribed via email
I try to reuse my plastic bags. I also try to conserve water and electricity.
I will use them for on the go trips and for just around the house storage.
I like the disco dots snack sak.
Sooo many designs! :) My favorite is the Mod Dots!
We'd use them to pack food for school and for trips to the park or movies! :)
In our city, Austin, it's very important to Go Green! Almost everyone recycles, uses cloth grocery bags, and takes bus transportation! :)
I love the "resort palms sandwich-sack" its perfect for beach day pita sandwiches
I will use the snacktaxi bag for trips to the beach or park
In our city we recycle, we use cloth grocery bags and all out ac's are on energy saver set to 75 during hot summer months
I am follower on twitter (MarMeade)
snackTaxi has some great designs but i like the butterfly design best.
I like the Frog Chow design.
We recycle plastic and glass and newspapers.
I plan on using this for lunch for my kids.
I like the bright citrus print
I'd use my snack taxi to take snacks to work for my long 16 hour shifts!
I'm contributing to the planet's health by recycling!
I love the Frog Chow design!! Cute!!
Tonyababyrn at aol dot com
We recycle all our cans. Not much but it's a start.
Tonyababyrn at aol dot com
I plan on using them for our vacations and day trips. We homeschool otherwise I would use them for school lunches.
Tonyababyrn at aol dot com
I like signs of the times pattern!
I like the tiny skulls
I like the Blast Off pattern
I like the tea party design best.
The girls would use it for school & /or work &/or picnics- really anywhere we needed a sandwich or snack away from home.
We try to use as little packaging as possible.
Follow on Twitter- dddiva
I like the disco dots. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I like the "Birds of Norway" design!
I would use these to pack lunches....
We recycle and use stainless steel water bottles.
I like the water spot green snack-sack.
I like the solid green sandwich-sack.
I would use these to pack my children and husband's lunches during the week.
The Solid-Black is my favorite. garrettsambo@aol.com
My favorite design is Bubble Blast
My fave is the fun 'fly by night' design!
I'm a subscriber
I'd use this for little biscuits & cookies for my son when we're at the park or zoo!
We wash our laundry in cold water, recycle and compost!
I like the peace flowers snax
I plan on using them in lunches,
trip to the park,on vacations, any day trips
We recycle everything,compost,energy
saver light bulbs,re-usable bags
and car pool
I love the Sushi print!
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